Current Grant Support

2024 – 2028 NIH R01 AI181221  P.I. Divito

Interrogating Clonal Repertoire in Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions

2022 – 2024 NIH R21 AI175907 P.I. Divito

Investigating the Skin Immune System in Dirty Mice

2020-2022 (NCE 2024) NIH R21 AI150657       P.I. Divito

Investigating Mechanisms of Epidermal Cell Death in Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

Recent Grant Support

2021-2023 Brigham Research Institute P.I. Divito

Investigating Skin Dysbiosis in Graft-Versus-Host-Disease

2016-2021 (NCE 2022) NIH DP OD02309191 P.I. Divito

Investigating a Novel Cell Population in Delayed-Onset Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions

2016  Dermatology Foundation Physician-Scientist Career Development Award  P.I. Divito

Investigating Skin T Cells in Graft-Versus-Host-Disease

Current/Recent Mentee Grant Support

American Association of Immunologists Careers in Immunology Fellowship   

Mentor of Xiaopeng Fu, PhD

Deutsche Forshchungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) Research Fellowship

Mentor of Elisa Schunkert, MD

Sun Pharma/SID Innovation Fellowship

Mentor of Pranali Shah, PhD

Immunologic Profiling of Acute Skin GVHD versus Delayed Type Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions – Dermatology Foundation Diversity Research Supplement Award

George Romar, MD